Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jaw Distraction surgery coming Monday...

Faith will have Jaw Distraction surgery and her adenoids taken out on Monday.  Her sleep apnea has been handled by the bipap machine, but the setting is very high and we are very hopeful that this surgery will end her obstructive sleep apnea problem.  This is a long process though and will require 3-7 weeks at U of M Children's Hospital.  It will also give her a chance to eat on her own.  The doctor says she cannot eat on her own with her jaw as it is because her jaw is too short.  We will keep you updated as to the effects this surgery has, especially so those of you facing similar things can learn from our experience.


  1. We are prying for Faith. May Monday go better than expected.

  2. We prayed for Faith this morning in Sunday School class and will be remembering her and the whole family in prayer during her weeks of convalescense. The Kubinskis
