Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rick Santorum...Michelle Malkin...Fun Morning

Americans for Prosperity Michigan is having an all day event as I write this.  Last night I went to the VIP event and met Andrew Breitbart and Irish filmmaker Ann McElhinney.  They were talking about Rick Santorum speaking at today's event so needless to say I weasled my way in...or I just asked if we could drop by to see him.  So this morning, we stopped by the San Marino Club in Troy for just a little while at about 10am while Rick was speaking to the crowd of 1,300, and my AFP friends took us into the VIP area to wait for Rick to finish speaking.  When he saw us, he was all smiles to see Faith and greeted us warmly.  Typical T18 dad, he began looking for some Purell to clean his hands since he had been shaking hands...he wanted to pick Faith up and hold her.  Once he got her, I wasn't sure we would get her back. :)  Unlike most folks, he knew what to do and quickly had her smiling while grabbing his chin and face. 

Once again, he had an article that he wanted us to read so he had his campaign aides find his IPad.  The Time Magazine article is called Rick Santorum's Inconvenient Truths by Joe Klein.  It is subscriber access, but here is the link,9171,2107519,00.html
His aide read the article to us which talked about how Rick's stand is inconvenient for many by raising the standard.  Klein points out too many parents are not willing to sacrifice for their children.  This is a liberal writer, and Rick was quite moved by the article.  He said the article made him cry and as he described the article to us, tears began to well up in his eyes.  RON PAUL...Rick Santorum is NO fake, but I'm beginning to think you are.  I have little patience for this garbage.

I am waiting on pictures because the flash started and cameras rolled as soon as Rick picked Faith up.  We will post the pictures when we have them.

1 comment:

  1. I share this post with my whole family and we all cracked up at the hand sanitizer part. Good job Rick! The Smith family came to Lilly's viewing (this Lily - and my daughter Tabitha met them first. I looked and saw Tabby holding Lily and I said "Oh! Did you clean your hands!!??" She gave me a funny look and said "Of course I did!" Someone needs to invent a sanitizer spray for the whole body!
