Thursday, September 20, 2012

DIAGNOSIS - Faith is Home

It was late to leave the hospital, but we are home with Faith.  Our procedure was supposed to start at 12:30p today, but did not start until 4:15p.  The best part, no exploratory surgery was needed so she only had the colonoscopy.  GI Doc said there were large blood vessels in her colon which are bleeders.  The one problem...she had quite a few so he doesn't know if it is one of them or several bleeding and he cannot correct it.  If she bleeds again, he can do a flush and go back in with a colonoscopy to see any places bleeding which can then be cauterized.  We are happy to have a diagnosis finally and now we know that our olive oil probably did help her bleeding stop or certainly slow dramatically.  She also had a number of lymph nodules in her intestines which were swollen.  The doc thought it might be from an allergy so we are going to get her tested for allergies.  We had given her some apple cider, and now we think it is possible the cider sparked this if she is allergic to apples like her grandmother is.

Two of the T18 families that we sent to U of M were there so it was like a T18 convention at Mott Children's Hospital.  Mylah is still there recovering well from heart surgery, and Ameir was life-flighted there last night with rsv/pneumonia.  On a very positive note, he seems to be a little better and slowly on his way to recovery.  Please keep both of these very little ones in your prayers.

Faith after her bath

Faith is having a colonoscopy this morning. Depending on what they find, we may have exploratory surgery as well. We are praying for them to find the source of the bleeding. We do have a concern about anesthesia because her hemoglobin level is only 8.5 and usually runs over 11. Not having the full blood level is troubling when facing surgery.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

UPDATE...Lost Lots of Blood just before ER

Faith lost quite a bit of blood just before she arrived at Mott's ER.  She almost definitely will get a transfusion in the morning...I hate that they always wait when we know she needs it.  They have already done an ultrasound and will be scoping her in the morning.  Oh Lord, help the doctors find a cause or see where your healing took place.  It is so strange that this happened once a month for 4 straight months then stopped for 7 months and then wacks us upside the head again.  Faith had cold hands and feet, but she still has pretty good spirits.  By the way, thanks to all those who donate truly is a lifesaver.

Headed to ER and likely PICU

It has been since July that I have posted because of computer issues and our busy schedule, but I must post tonight.  Jesi headed to the U of M ER with Faith about 7:45pm this evening.  Faith was in good spirits and seemed to have good energy, but last night I thought there might be some blood in Faith's stool.  Today it was confirmed.  Forgive the details, but there are some parents who may have experienced this or will and might be able to offer suggestions.

Faith's stool was different than the previous times we had blood in her stool.  Last time was way back in February - it is sad when 6-7 months seems like a long time to stay out of the PICU.  So her stool was bloody, but also had some mucus in it which was also bloody.  I changed her diaper right before she left and it looked to be almost pure blood with some mucus in it.

Other than being sick a couple of times Faith has been doing well since our last February blood issue which resolved and had not come back until now.  The only thing we did differently was to give her some pasteurized cider.  Who knows?  We will try to keep you updated and appreciate any and all prayers.